Saturday, 21 January 2012

The Typical Greek Girl

The typical Greek girl... so what is she like? Not to generalise and stereotype (you know I would never do that...!) but here are some of my observations of the typical Greek girl! Feel free to add your own in the comments below.

First of all, they're gorgeous of course; it's in the genes! The thing is, they most likely know it which oozes a flair of arrogance (pretty much no difference to the guys then!). 

Also like the Greek men, they too are covered in thick dark hair, hence why their chosen career path is most likely a beautician (oh sorry, they like to be called "beauty therapist") or a hairdresser; it's not their fault, they need to control all that hair! They can talk all day about their hair and nails and will apply so much hairspray to their wild manes they could be strong contenders for the number one cause for ozone layer damage... 

They apply mountains of makeup as they are masters in beauty - but is it worth applying it all just to go to the gym? I suppose it doesn't matter as they don't usually work out anyway; they like to just pose and eye up the man candy (although they never admit it!).

On a night out, it's easy to spot a typical Greek girl as they most likely have a big head of hair and are wearing very revealing clothing. Well, they spent all that time waxing their legs they want to show them off! It's a shame they don't cover up a bit though as watching them shivering in the winter time outside the bar/club just to get their cigarette fix is quite amusing!

Most Greek girls have excellent rhythm though and can dance really well; the favourite move being the typical hip wiggles and wrist twisting!

Having said all this, there are some really sensible Greek girls out there too of course (not that typical Greek girls aren't nice!), but you don't see them as much as they're probably being locked up by their fathers...! Any other typical Greek girl traits you can think of?


  1. You don't describe a typical greek girl, you describe a typical greek "klarinogomena".

    1. ahahahahahahaha kala les

    2. Hi im haider, Lol you beautiful and gorgeous but you don't look arrogant to me.. I have been in Greece the past two days and all the girls are so nice and polite to me.. I'm Arab but born in England and I gotta say you the most beautiful Greek I have seen yet.. Can I add you as a beautiful friend??

    3. Olga Stinson the message was for you...


    4. HAHAHAHAHAHA really? Well thank you very much, I appreciate that :)

  2. Absolutely agree with the anonymous's comment. Indeed a good description for that type of girl, which brings us to the following question: Where had you been hanging around in Greece? ;)

  3. hahaha. Well, I think the typical greek ''klarino-bouzoukogkomena'' is the typical naive greek chic. Especially in northern Greece! Of course, there are other types of women too, but that's the majority of them. Nice job!

  4. My girlfriend is Greek, She's really sweet and friendly.
    But she cares alot about how she looks, If she dosen't look perfect she aren't good enough. She's really thin and looks great, but she told me about alot making fun of her, calling her ugly and fat and seeing that as just a joke.

    So their are big diffrence in Greeks.

    But i like Greek girls really, they seem to like me, they find me entertaining. Greeks like fun, that's what i've learned

  5. Omg thats soo true!ima greek girl and i spend sooo many hours a week to fix my hair and i like releaving clothes...and ima 14 lmao and other fact about greek girls...they dont like winter because we cant wear releaving clothes so we wear tights .And last but not least most greek girls loveeee black guys but i prefer asians then blacks then whites:):)

    1. im greek and 1) I'm not spending much time for this bullshit
      2) I love winter
      3)I mostly wear tights even if my body is really nice
      4) I didn't liked any black guy at greece... I like Arabian and Mediterranean

    2. Very classy cleavage in your avatar picture, really proving my point here thank you! Although your name isn't remotely Greek, I'll take your word for it: thanks for taking time to comment!

    3. This is not my real last name, but my name is russian :p

  6. As a native Greek girl, 20 years old I din't think that's true.

  7. Interesting discussion going on here... thanks for your comments everyone, keep them coming!

  8. I meet a Greek girl recently who is blonde, beautiful and sexy. She finishes her PhD in north America, and now lives in Germany. She is like a goddess of me, and I keep on picturing her face again and again. I am approaching her. Lat Friday we were in dancing, holding each other's hands for hours. BTW, I am an Asian man, well-educated, with good physical condition like the height, body weight.....Hope I can succeed !

  9. 1, I don't know if the culture difference will make any trouble in chasing a Greek girl. Personally I am really straight forward, or bold. She knows my thoughts

    2, I won't say too much in childish way, like How much I love you.... But I will do a lot to make her happy, to organize something with her.

  10. I am greek girl ,and yes the to much makeup thing its true . There are teen girls ,who doesn't go to school without makeup .But there are also girls who doesn't care that much.
    I 've never see a 20year old girl without makeup , in Athens .
    So yeah , its general true ,but there are always exceptions.

  11. Met a greek girl online & turns out she's the most amazing woman I've ever met in my life (& I work in the nightlife biz so I've met plenty).

    I never thought I would encounter a woman that made me crazy like Brazilians do but goodness! Her sexy accent, sexy dress, how she talks/treats!

  12. Aw, my greek girl doesn't wear much makeup at all..
    Her hair is wonderful though :)

  13. Thanks for all the comments so far, so funny to read to them!
    Maybe my next blog post should be about Greeks who have no sense of humour....? ;)

    1. We have sense of humour we just like critisism, and some people will think that all Greek girls are like this lol.I don't even spnd hours on my hair i brush it and done lol and i don't usually go to clubs and stuff but when i do i don't usually wear revealing clothes lol you are describing a specific type of greek girls, just saying :p

  14. As all stereotypes, this one is just another mere imbecilic-if not emetic-one. It takes an infinitesimal element of intelligence and sheer common sense to understand that each country has its own quality and devoid-of-quality people; this is irrespective of age or background. You find what you are and if you are below par then that is what you find as your counterpart. You find and you get what you deserve. If you're a bimbo, then a dumbass douche-bag you will find, and vice-versa. That said, it would be sensible for some of you to know that most young Greek women and men nowadays are highly educated, career driven, ambitious individuals. Many modern Greek women don't give a rat's ass about cooking, raising rug-rats, or pleasing the 'in laws'. Instead, they focus on travelling and working abroad, attaining masters degrees and PhDs, and above all developing and enhancing their professional qualifications and academic erudition. It's pathetic that in our day and age science is developing so rapidly and yet there are certain troglodyte cretins who are asinine and naive enough to categorize intricate human traits in stock two-dimensional caricature stereotypes. Such ludicrous and appalling sexist and racist comments have no place in civilized societies and especially have no place within modern day sophisticated intelligent minds. But then again, what would you know about intelligence minds..

    1. All the intelligence in the world can't make up for someone void of humour...

      Thanks for stopping by to vent though, hope it made you feel better!

  15. Greek women are into themselves! They will throw you under the bus to win a, promotion, etc. Some don't want to have babies for fear of ruining their bodies..poor women.

  16. why are people always saying greek girls want greek guys? like I'm a greek girl and I'm a lesbian. i want other greek girls. not some hairy ass dude lol

  17. dont hope, the truth is that greek girls want onyl us the greek guys the greek men,and this is the truth. i think italian women prefer the foreignes more but not the greek knows. we keep our race clean,sorry mates but greek men are beautifull.
    ps esu lesvia fantazomai skatofrikio tha eisai gamiseta.

  18. i'm a greek girl and i don't even comb my hair to go out, though i always get positive comments about how thick and beautiful my hair look.. sorry guys but greek people have good-looking hair by their nature.

  19. Greek people are just amazing.

    P R O U D T O B E G R E E K !!!


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