Monday, 30 May 2011

Greek Gardens

If you live in a Greek country then you probably grow a lot of your own food from your garden; typical Greek independence, living off the land!

However, if you are living in a different country, you probably have "Greekified" your gardens to make you feel more at home...

I bet you own your own vineyard. You like to sit out there in the summer, perfectly comfortable in the shade whilst drinking a nice cold Keo. Although it might not be the right climate to grow any grapes, you still have a nice full bush of vine leaves which the women love to pick off to make their koubebia.
You may also have your own fig tree. The men like to climb them to pick off all the nice juicy 'siga' and serve them to their guests as a nice post feast treat - proudly showing off that they grew them themselves.
And for those of you who might not have their own garden... I bet you still have a mini plant which grows oranges or something out on the balcony or kitchen window, just to keep that little bit of the Greek Garden with you!
Finally, if you don't have one already, get yourself a Jasmine plant to add the finishing touch of Greekness to your home! You can take a Greek out of Greece/Cyprus, but they'll just bring it along with them..!

Sunday, 15 May 2011



So last night was the Eurovision song contest and Greece did good! Bravo re Loucas! 7th place with 120 points is not bad!

Watch the Greek dance

I liked the fact that there were Greek columns in the background and there was some actual Greek singing as well as dancing!

Too many times in the past they stick to English and I think our Greekness ought to be celebrated more! It's a shame we didn't win, but maybe next year?

Did you know he was actually born and raised in Cyprus? Baffles me as to why he didn't enter for Cyprus instead... it's a shame they didn't get in the competition as well - Greek domination for 2012 Eurovision please!

Finally, thank you Cyprus for awarding Greece 12 points #typicalgreek loyalty right there!

For all you Greekies outside of Europe who may not follow this big event, and for those who do and want to know more, this page tells you more about our song and the reasons behind it along with some more footage from the show!

Tell us what you thought of Loucas' performance as well as the whole show below!

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